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Preach My Gospel Japanese PDF Download: The Best Way to Prepare and Teach the Gospel

Saint Paul Miki was born in Japan around 1566. He entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and successfully preached the gospel to the Japanese people. When persecution broke out, he was arrested along with 25 other Catholics. After enduring torment and ridicule, Paul Miki and his companions were taken to Nagasaki where they suffered crucifixion in 1597 on the evening of February 5. Their feast day in the Roman calendar is on Feb. 6. The following account of their martyrdom was written down by an anonymous eye-witness.

But what misery, what unspeakable suffering shall we have to face once this war is over! There will be starvation, epidemics, distress of such magnitude and intensity the likes of which man has never known before. It will take all the faith and all the self-sacrificing love that Christians can muster to heal the wounds, to feed the hungry, and to bring the light of Christ into the darkness of their sorrowful lives. There will be scars left upon the souls of men, burned in by the wickedness of their oppressors, which no power on Earth will be able to erase from the memories of the victims. Nothing, except the power of Christ! What a field Europe will be for the preaching of the gospel to the Jews and Gentiles, but especially to the Jews first (Rom. 1:16)! This is the will of our heavenly Father, that they who were the first to suffer from the concentrated attacks of the Devil should also be the first to experience the healing power unto salvation through their own Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

preach my gospel japanese pdf download

David L. Roper, born and reared in Oklahoma, attended Abilene Christian University and earned a BS and an MS in Bible. Roper began his preaching career at age eighteen and has held full-time preaching positions at seven congregations in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas. He has also shared the gospel in other areas of the world, including England, Scotland, Italy, Turkey, Japan, and Romania. As missionaries in Sydney, Australia, from 1968 to 1977, Roper and his family worked with a local congregation and the Macquarie School of Preaching.

Collect Lord God of compassion and mercy, you opened the door in the east for Saint Francis when you sent him to preach your gospel. Send us, in our day, over the face of the earth, so that the joy of our mother, the Church, may be made perfect. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 2ff7e9595c

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